welcome to
tablefolk homeschool community
What is the TABLEFOLK Community?
Community is the heart of Tablefolk. As lovers of all things story, we believe that your story matters. The investment we make into our family culture is what writes our family's legacy. And we want to encourage and support you in creating a home and family culture rich with truth, beauty, and goodness.
We are here to offer support, enrichment, coaching, private seminar classes, workshops, book clubs & more. But ultimately to provide a space to share in our stories together. Be sure to join our TABLEFOLK Facebook Community.
A little bit about our homeschool...
Why Charlotte Mason
I could say a million things about Charlotte Mason and if you hang around here long enough you may hear them all. When my oldest was around four, I began to research different homeschool philosophies and curriculum. I was aware of the liberal arts tradition and the classical model- Mr. Goodrich has worked in the classical education world for almost 15 years now- but I had never heard of Charlotte Mason. I appreciated certain elements of the classical approach but I knew deep down it wasn't for me. I knew that what I was looking for would have a certain feel and aroma and that I would know it when I saw it. And when I first discovered the CM philosophy, it really was love at first sight- and a love that has only deepened over time. I felt that Charlotte understood children and humanity in a profound way. And that she understood how to teach in a way that focused on the most important things: turning the hearts of our children towards God and lighting the fire for a life-long love of learning.
As I mentioned above we are big on story around here. Folk tales, fairy tales, classics, history, mythology- we love it all. Stories and literature are the foundation of our educational philosophy but also our lifestyle philosophy. The classical tradition is a tradition of reading; an education primarily learned through the greatest written works of history. Not only does an education steeped in reading produce strong language arts skills, it also provides the human soul with the gift of unparalleled meaning and perspective.
Wild + Free
At the start of our homeschooling journey, I felt very alone. Although I had many friends who were also homeschooling, they were not supportive of differences in methodology. I knew I wanted to give my children the gift of a rich and beautiful childhood; full of sweet, slow days and rich togetherness. I am indebted to Ainsley, the heart behind Wild+Free, and her unstoppable mission to ensure that mothers feel belonging and empowerment in their homeschooling journey. Wild+Free offered that to me when I needed it most and continues to be a huge influence on our home and family culture. It has been an honor and privilege to have my words included in the Wild+Free Monthly Content Bundles. Find them here!
There are so many amazing resources out there, but here are just a few that have helped our home and family culture:
Charlotte Mason's Six Volume Home Education Series
Simply Charlotte Mason- Youtube, Blog, Podcast, Curriculum
Beautiful Feet Books - Literature-based Curriculum
The Literary Life Podcast
BiblioFiles Podcast
All books written by author and homeschool mom, Karen Glass
Feeling Lost?
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